


Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid often used by bodybuilders in pre-competition training to acquire perfect form. It is included in all major steroid courses. Features of the drug The active ingredient of the steroid is Stanozolol, which is derived from testosterone with several molecular changes, which gives it unique properties. Initially, the drug was used in medicine for the treatment of anemia, recovery from radiation and post-burn therapy. In the 80s of the last century, its anabolic effect was noticed. Due to its low androgenic index, the drug can be used by women. It has a high fast-acting index, but is characterized by a short half-life. Therefore, it is necessary to put the anabolik on a daily basis.

Main properties Stanozolol Oil poorly regulates the androgen receptor, so with its help to gain an impressive muscle mass will not work. But the drug has a positive effect on the relief of musculature and its venous prominence. Its other positive qualities: fat burning – the steroid is used in drying courses; removal of excess fluid from the body; increasing endurance – this property determines the popularity of the steroid in athletics; increasing appetite. Stanozolol Oil It combines well with other steroids. Lowers the amount of globulin in the blood, which binds testosterone. Due to this, the effects of other drugs taken on the course are enhanced. The steroid does not retain water in the body

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