Testo Mix is a mix of five testosterone esters, which has powerful anabolic activity with pronounced anti-catabolic properties. Allows athletes to quickly and effectively prepare for competitions. Features of the drug The active substance consists of such components: Testosterone Propionate (30 mg); Testosterone Phenylpropionate (60 mg); Testosterone Isocaproate (60 mg); Testosterone Decanoate (100 mg); Testosterone Enanthate (150 mg). Each of these esters has a different rapidity of absorption, so the drug is characterized by a long and permanent effect on the body. Propionate has the shortest half-life, while Decanoate has the longest. The athlete will feel the result of taking the steroid almost immediately. The hormone is gradually released into the blood plasma.
Injections twice a week will be needed to ensure a uniform effect. The time of detection of the drug in the blood is up to 3 months after the last injection. This should be taken into account if doping control is to be performed. Effectiveness of Testo Mix Proper use of the drug allows you to achieve the following results: build muscle mass – up to 6 kg per course; increase appetite, which will allow you to gain the required physical shape; improve the process of hematopoiesis – due to the production of red blood cells by the bone marrow, which transport oxygen to cells; increase libido; accelerate recovery after training; strengthen the bone system, reduce joint pain.