Androgen testosterone enanthate is a steroid with high androgenic and anabolic activity. It is one of the most popular drugs among athletes. It is recommended as a basis for different courses, because it allows you to build muscle in a short time, increase the characteristics of strength and endurance. Features of the drug Testosterone Enanthate – an injectable preparation with a complex ester of testosterone in the base (Enanthate).
It was originally used to prolong the effects of the natural hormone in the body. It was also used in medicine to treat cancer. Later, its topical properties for athletes were noticed. The drug is characterized by a long action – about two weeks or more. It penetrates into the cellular structures of the body, stimulating energy and metabolic reactions. The steroid is detected on doping control for 3 months.
The results of taking Testosterone Enanthate are as follows: muscle mass gain – up to 10 kg per course due to the activation of protein synthesis; increased energy, endurance and performance; increased libido; strengthened immunity; fat burning; stimulation of tissue regeneration; increased transport capacity of the blood. The steroid prevents osteoporosis (loss of bone density) and protects against cardiovascular diseases. Rapid muscle building is associated with significant water accumulation.