Trenbolone Enanthate is one of the most potent anabolic steroids. It is recommended for use by experienced athletes and allows you to maximise muscle mass, increase strength performance, which makes it possible to subject your body to increased loads. The drug helps to effectively prepare for competitions. Features of the drug Trenbolone Enanthate is produced in injectable form in 10 ml vials. The concentration of the active ingredient, which is Trenbolone Enanthate, 200 mg per 1 ml. The steroid has a high anabolic and androgenic action. The ester acts – 7-10 days, so it is not necessary to make injections too often. The steroid is not subject to aromatisation, so there are no such side effects as gynaecomastia and fluid retention.
There is no toxic effect on the kidneys. The detection time of the drug is up to 8 months. Main properties Proper use of Trenbolone Enanthate allows you to achieve the following results: build muscle mass – up to 10 kg per course, minimise cortisol levels, increase strength, increase libido, burn fat deposits, resume the synthesis of growth hormone, increase IGF – almost 2-fold, strengthen the immune system, improve mood. Under the influence of the drug, the body resumes the processes of protein metabolism at an increased pace. It contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, allows you to recover faster after intense exertion.