


Oxandrolone is a highly active anabolic with low androgenic activity. It is used by bodybuilders who already have a good muscle mass, mainly for the formation of muscle relief and normalization of weight. Features of the drug Oxandrolon is available in tablet form. Initially, it was used in medicine to treat anemia, burns, bone ailments. Over time, it became in demand among athletes of strength sports disciplines. The anabolic index of the drug is 400% of testosterone, androgenic – 25%. The duration of the effect is 12 hours, which determines the daily use of the steroid.

The drug is not converted into estrogens, so it does not provoke the development of gynecomastia in men. It can be used by women, the effects of virilization will not be manifested. The effect on the liver is weak/moderate. Effectiveness of Oxandrolone The drug improves protein metabolism in the body, strengthens the immune forces of the body. Its use allows you to achieve the following results: increase tissue sensitivity to insulin, strengthen the bone apparatus, increase the production of growth hormone, burn fat deposits, increase the relief and density of muscles, improve appetite, increase strength, quickly recover from physical exertion. Thanks to Oxandrolone, all nutrients from food are better absorbed. The drug has an anti-catabolic effect.

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