


Clomid is a popular anti-estrogen among bodybuilders. It is most often used on SCT to normalize the hormonal background and rapid recovery after a course of anabolic steroids. In sports it is used only by men. Features of the drug The active substance of Clomid is Clomiphene citrate, which is an anti-estrogen. Its molecules interact with estrogen receptors. Female hormones in this case can not show their activity, which prevents gynecomastia and a number of other undesirable effects associated with taking steroids. Clomiphene is able to activate the process of production of hormones of the gonadotropic group.

It is these substances that regulate the process of synthesizing natural testosterone. The drug is available in tablet form. Unlike Anastrazol, it is not able to affect the process of aromatization. The half-life period of Clomiphene citrate is small, so you need to take it every day. After the last intake, the drug can be detected in the blood for 100 days.

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